Our Board


John Waterhouse (Elliott Bay Design Group) – President

Nicole Klein (University of Washington, ASUW Shellhouse) – Vice President

Frank Immel (Global Diving) – Immediate Past President

Janice Ridgway (CPA, ret.) – Treasurer

Roger Ottenbach (Cutty Sark Nautical Antiques) – Chair of the YMTA

Scott Anderson (CSR Marine)

Russ McComb (Elliott Bay Design Group, retired)

Rachel Shrewsbury

Amado Shuck (Manson Construction, ret.)

Marylin Oliver Bard

Ken Passé (Port Operations, ret.)

Leonard Garfield, ex-officio (MOHAI Executive Director)



Nathaniel Howe, Director



Exhibits Committee: Roger Ottenbach, 

Collections Committee: Russ McComb, Paul Marlow, Craig Brown

Programs Committee: Roger Ottenbach, Rachel Shrewsbury

YMTA Committee: Roger Ottenbach, Frank Immel, Ken Passé